Sunday, October 22, 2006

Well, Here We Go!

So I'm officially into the thick of it. I'm in two classes this quarter, Accounting and Group Dynamics. Interestingly, it is the Group Dynamics class that eats up most of my study time. We formed groups of six the first day, and I must say that ours is the best! (Kudos to Jeff, Isabel, Amy, Helen, and Andy.)

Amazingly, it seems to take the six of us together longer to write a three page paper than it would take for any one of us to write it alone, but se la vie, that is the group process. Its actually because everyone wants to do well, and so we work hard to make sure the paper is the best, and that the individual parts we write mesh together.

It's also a function of all the papers we have to read to write our three page paper. Don't even get me started on the first paper we had to read. It was titled "Attribution Theory," and it was a bear to read. I don't have the worst vocabulary in the world, and it must have taken me two or three hours to read the fifteen pages that we had to read. *GAH*

Anyhow, it's a lot of work, but is definitely worthwhile.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


I don't yet know what will come after this. But you gotta start somewhere!