Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Time to move on!

Well, we're withdrawing our bid on the house! After waiting two weeks, the bank came back and told the seller that it wants $4000 more before he's allowed to sell. I assume that more mortgage payments have passed since it was put on the market. The seller turns around and tells me that.

I'm not interested in paying even more for it, because the house has so much fixing up to do, so its time to move on. There are a couple of other interesting homes in the area, but they are even further from work. I asked my boss about shifting my work hours from what they are now (8:30-5:00) to an earlier time (7:00-3:30). That way, I could avoid rush hour traffic and still live out that far.

Anyway, we've withdrawn the bid, but we're still looking for a home.

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